Having a balcony although small can be a great fortune , especially if you live in the apartment building of a big city. A glimmer of light e fresh aria between buildings all looking the same and windows with bars. In short, if furnished well, even a small balcony can give the feeling of freshness and freedom That can be found in a garden. But come fare?

Here’s how to furnish and what to put in a small balcony in condominium to fully experience it and use it as it deserves.

Pop-up breakfast area

With beautiful spring or summer days, one of the most pleasant feelings is. have breakfast outside . If you have recently moved to a new house and previously had a larger balcony (or perhaps a terrace), certainly not being able to do so anymore is a hard miss to bear. But who says you can’t?

Anything is possible, as long as you know how to adapt. And in the case of a small balcony, you can create a’ breakfast area con sedie e folding patio table that can be pulled out when needed and stored away when not needed to reclaim space. There are many form and design , so as to enjoy the fresh morning air from the balcony without necessarily giving up the stile .

Plants and flowers

It has always been a common habit to decorate the balcony with plants and flowers , to create a small private oasis , rich in colors and scents unmistakable. Even in a small apartment building balcony, the idea of focusing on nature and enriching the space with plants is not wrong, on the contrary. It will certainly know how to break up the classic grayness of city buildings and contribute to the aesthetic improvement Of the area.

In order not to suffocate the small space with plants and flowers, however, it is good to Place the pots on the outside of the railing , so that they do not go to affect the width of the balcony at all. It will be nice to come home every day, look up just before entering the doorway and see that floral display coming right from one’s own home.

The right lights

When space is tight, meno elementi there are and more appears ben gestito :never more than in this case can we say that less is more . And if not with furniture, how can you create a’ atmosphere magical and sophisticated In a small apartment building balcony?
Simple:with the right lights . If placed (and dosed) with care, in fact, the lights will be able to distort the look of the room practically by themselves. Again, in order not to take up valuable space, it is best to aim for something that does not go to the floor, such as the catenary lighting :striking and scenic, it can be attached to supports or directly to the wall.

Alternatively, the purchase of a portable lamp , focusing on a distinctive and unusual design , so that whenever it is in use it becomes the centerpiece of the whole decor. When it is not needed outside, then, you can safely remove it and use it elsewhere in the house, perhaps as a key element for your own reading corner .