The new Newfoundland’s back-to-school campaign is placed within the program that supports Teddy Group’s social work projects and this year is dedicated to the Portofranco Volunteer Association .

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Portofranco deals with school support for all those students who cannot afford the cost of support classes;thanks to the more than 300 volunteers, including teachers, retired teachers, professionals and college students, Portofranco enables those who cannot afford it to get help, within the Association’s premises, in carrying out homework and recovering educational debts.

There are many students who regain interest in studying through the help of Portofranco volunteers, which is also accompanied by increased school engagement and empowerment. Portofranco is now a real landmark , in 40 Italian cities, For the prevention of school dropout and youth distress, but also for the integration .

Terranova therefore chooses to support Portofranco throughout the country, with interventions aimed at improving the Association’s offices and their management, allowing even the most peripheral realities to have practical help to continue to guarantee activities.

But that is not all: Terranova gives additional visibility to the association by putting it at the center of the back-to-school campaign , making the protagonists of the shots some of the students who have leaned on Portofranco in their course of study. Newfoundland’s Back to School thus directly addresses those who are committed to the growth and education of the next generation.